Have you struggled with diet plans?
Have you seen your weight yo-yo from unsustainable diets?
Do you want to avoid something as drastic and dangerous as surgery?
If this is the case, then Gastric Mind Band could be the perfect fit for you and your weight loss goals.
Losing a substantial amount of weight, and more importantly, keeping it off, whatever your method is always a big commitment. Eating less does help you shed weight, but breaking lifelong habits is an incredibly difficult thing to take on alone.
Diet plans such as Weightwatchers, Atkins, SlimFast etc. all require you to commit to buying products and tracking every single piece of food you eat – day in, day out, week after week. They can quickly take over your life and cause you to think about food even more than usual.
Trying to stick to these strict, fad diets takes up a lot of your time and needs incredible, unrelenting willpower. Most diets like this aren’t sustainable over an extended length of time, and this is often why we give up on them so easily, and why our weight can fluctuate so much.
Gastric Mind Band on the other hand has a totally different approach to a gastric band and requires a different type of commitment.
Rather than telling you exactly what to eat and when to eat on a one-size-fits-all programme, GMBand focuses on your unique, personal situation.
The GMBand is not just about making a commitment to travel to Spain and receive the four sessions of therapy, but a commitment to changing your attitude towards food permanently. It brings your life, and weight, to a fork in the road and allows you to see the choice of a permanently healthier and happier future.
The GMBand treatment works to make you see food only as a source of nutrition rather than relying on it as an emotional crutch. It will make you question your reason for eating, your habits, and types of food you especially have trouble with. The therapy sessions will teach you to take your time with your food – to savour and enjoy it rather than over eating. They will also show you the difference between genuinely feeling hungry, and when you just feel thirsty but mistake it for hunger.
GMBand is not a diet but a new attitude towards food that allows you to continue your weight loss success into the future, long after the sessions have ended. Whilst you change your habits, you do not feel restricted like with other diets, also allowing longevity for achievement.
GMBand is not the next fad diet craze. Making the commitment to GMBand is committing yourself to a new way of life.
Whilst you do have to keep yourself focussed and motivated, GMBand offers a sustainable method for weight loss and provides videos and materials for you to take home and keep yourself on track to a new, slimmer you.
For Nichol – one of our clients, making the monetary and time commitment of travelling to Spain for treatment actually helped her stick with her new way of life and thinking. See what she has to say about making the commitment to GMBand by watching the video below.
To book your GMBand treatment now, simply go to our appointments page by clicking here.
To find out more about the treatments and packages we offer, or if you have any questions, get in touch with Martin and Marion by clicking here.