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Read Jackie’s Weight Loss Success Story: she is now 77 pounds lighter!
Thanks to the increasing pressures of a stressful job, hectic lifestyle, eating on the run and also in response to various emotional triggers, her weight then gradually crept up to 16st 7lb (105kg), which made her BMI close to 40.
Her health was suffering too.She had arrhythmia and a hiatus hernia; three years ago she was diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance and, more recently, Fatty Liver Disease, and was prescribed various different tablets for each condition.
Then, by chance, Jackie happened to be watching This Morning TV programme in July 2018 and saw the interview with Gastric Mind Band Therapists Martin & Marion Shirran. She felt inspired to contact them, and has never looked back since.

61 year old Jackie started dieting at the age of 15, although up until the last few years, her weight only went up and down by a few pounds.
Before going through the Gastric Mind Band Treatment Jackie admitted that she felt tired all the time, she was worried about her health and felt ‘worthless’ and ‘self-conscious.’ She didn’t eat big meals, but was simply grazing all the time – something she had never realised before.
Now, having completed her GMBand treatment, Jackie has lost around 5 stone and is 75 kilos (11 stone 11lb). After hitting her first target, Jackie plans to lose a further 5 kilos. But the great news is that she no longer has Fatty Liver Disease; she is off the Metformin and her doctor projects that she will be off the Statins before the end of the year. She has been discharged by the cardiologist and has amazed her doctors and specialists.
“Since the weight loss I feel more positive. I have a whole new wardrobe of clothes. I do lots of walking now, which I really enjoy and it’s effortless because I don’t have the weight”
She added that Phil and Holly had ‘changed my life,’ by pointing her in the direction of Martin and Marion. Jackie lives on the Costa del Sol and so when she realised the clinic was just down the road, she said it ‘was a sign’ that she had to give it a go.
This is her success story……
Where have you been all my life? Four weeks ago at the beginning of August 2018, I experienced the GMB with Marion and Martin. It has completely changed my life; even my doctors cannot believe it! The on-going support has exceeded my expectations. I have lost 8 kilos in seven weeks…..
It is now February 2019. Time has flown and so has the excess fat! I sailed through Christmas even feeding guests within my new regime without them knowing. They all commented on how tasty and lovely the meal was.
I have been having regular check-ins with Elite Clinic. Marion and Martin are so supportive. I haven’t had any problems and have not even needed a “top up” but just knowing it’s available is a support on itself.

Marion took some current photos of me the other day, and sent them over, alongside the “Before” shots! Not easy looking at the before pics. Not just the weight, but what it represented of my life at that point. I look a lot more relaxed and happy in the latest version of me, and I’m in a fantastic place mentally now.
Positivity is on full, energy levels through the roof. I pack so much into every week that sometimes when I look back I can’t believe what I’ve done!

I have also had check-ups with my medical doctors in Marbella. I had full blood tests taken for both Cardiology and Endocrinology and both are delighted with the results. My blood is within all “normal” parameters. Over the last three years I have been on 3 or 6 monthly revisions. But on my last visit the cardiologist said just keep doing what you are doing and come back in 12 months. He shook my hand and congratulated me for turning things around. My endocrinologist wants me to return in 4 months’ time to double check my progress.
My weight has now reduced by 22kg and I feel fantastic. I have energy, optimism and a positive outlook. Taking advantage of the GMB that Marion and Martin offer has transformed my life. I’m more like the optimistic young woman who I thought was in my past.
I am now approaching my first goal which was to lose 30kg and then I will decide if I need to go any lower. I will update my progress when I reach that goal…..

Jackie was so impressed with her results that just one month after she embarked on her GMB journey she recommended the Gastric Mind Band to her sister Sharon Ward.
Since then, the sisters have lost an amazing 10 stone between them and on the 22nd August 2019 they were invited to appear on ITV’s This Morning programme to share their success stories and explain how they lost 10 stone using the Gastric Mind Band® permanent weight Loss treatment. They sat down on the This Morning couch with hosts Eamonn Holmes and Rochelle Hulmes to talk about their amazing weight loss transformations and how it had changed their lives!
Not only have they lost weight and now feel amazing and full of confidence, they have a closer sister relationship after supporting each other on their journey.